In 1991 I went to a writing workshop in a castle on the Irish Sea. While the waves
banged and the sheep bleated and baa baa-ed, the participants wrote about loss. I
learned there that writing was a way of “resurrecting” the lost.
My missing person was a twenty-month old baby brother, blind and deaf. I can’t tell
you anymore, because I want you to read the memoir. That’s what the marketing
experts teach newly published writers. I’m listening to these experts, now that my
own memoir is flirting with a feminist publisher.
If it’s a go, I’ll be blogging more regularly and flooding the internet with my name,
Judy Lev, and title, Our Names Do Not Appear.
The publishing experts advise short blog posts from writers who want people to read
their books. I’m ready for a new job. Why not marketing?
If you get tired of my hopefully frequent upcoming blog posts, feel free to
unsubscribe. One click below. It’s easy. If you like the posts, do share them with your
extended family, friends, enemies, whoever reads.
See. I already sound like a marketing writer and I don’t even have a contract.
Overcoming my self-consciousness to market my memoir shouldn’t take me more
than a decade. After all, it has taken me only thirty-four years to complete my
“project.” During this time, the publishing world has changed. My book will not be a
book in the old-fashioned sense of that word. If all goes well, my memoir will first be
an e-book, to be downloaded onto a “device,” and only later, a print-on-demand
book. POD BOOK. It could be that by the time the memoir gets “published,” I will not
have the technological skills to buy my own book. Fortunately, I have a hard copy
and a Disk on Key that I have mastered, though this devilish little DOK device often
disappears in the cracks between the shelf and the wall.
Over the years I have come to recognize that my memoir, as well as being well-
written, may also help people stick to their goal, as in If this Judy in Israel could
spend 34 years writing one amazing book, I can at least (choose one: make dinner,
read Moby Dick, write a new Moby Dick.).
In my future blog posts I promise not to overdo the grief, as many potential readers
do not want to go there. I personally revel in grief. Tisha b’Av is my favorite Jewish
day of the year. Not that I want to “resurrect” the lost Temple, but I do believe in
integrating lost parts of ourselves into our messy identities.
All for now, folks. My first short marketing post. Fingers crossed.
I’ll let you know “how things develop,” as they say in the marketing world.